maandag 15 juni 2015

The E-Myth Revisited

Title: The E-Myth Revisited Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It 
Author: Michael E. Gerber
Recommended: ★★★★★
Amazon link:

Main points:

If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business you have a job.
The Systems run the business
The people run the systems
A system that can be duplicated time and time again – systems need to be tried and tested and work EVERY time
Train the team to run the systems, not how to do the job/task

Ask yourself.
How can I make my business work, but without me?
How can I make my people work, but without me constantly interfere with it?
Rules of the 'People Game'
1. Never figure out what you want your people to do then try to create a game out of it
2. Never create a game you are not willing to play yourself
3. Make sure there are specific ways of winning the game without ending it
4. Change the game from time to time – the tactics NOT the strategy
5. Never expect the game to be self-sustaining. People need to be reminded of it constantly
6. The game has to make sense
7. The game needs to be fun from time to time
8. If you can’t think of a good game, steal one
Don’t look for employees, look for “players in the game”
It’s got to be more than a job

This starts, ends, lives and dies with your customer
Forget everything you want – just focus on what your customer wants
Your customer makes his decision with his Unconscious Mind

Control is the key.
Dare to innovate.
Take a step back.

When you hear something, you forget it
When you see something you remember it
But not until you do something will you understand it.
Michael E. Gerber

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