zondag 21 juni 2015

The Richest Man In Babylon

Title: The Richest Man in Babylon
Author: George S. Clason 
Recommended: ★★★★

Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/The-Richest-Babylon-George-Clason/dp/1505339111

Main points:
Seven cures for a lean purse
1). Start thy purse to fattening.
Only use 9/10 of the money you earn. Save the other 1/10
2). Control thy expenditures.
What each of us calls necessary expenses wil allways grow to equal our incomes, unless we reevaluate it. 

3). Make thy gold multiply.
A man's wealth is not in the coins he carries. No it is in the incoming he build, the 'goldstream'.
4). Guard thy treasures from loss.
 Is it wise to be intrigues by larger earnings when thy principal may be lost. Secure the advice of those experienced in the profitable handling of gold.

5). Make of thy estate a profitable investment.
6). Insure a future incoming.
Provide in the advance for the needs of thy growing age.

7). Increase thy ability to earn.
Preceding accomplishment must be a desire. Thy desire must be strong and definite. But desires must be simple.
As a man perfects himself in his calling, his ability to earn increases.

The five laws of gold.
1). Pay thyself first.
Pay thyself means that you just pay 10% to your savings first before paying your house note etc.
2). Invest to build more wealth.
Saving is a great start point of wealth, but it is not enough by itself. You must look for ways outside of your earned income to build additional 'gold-streams'.

3). Read, study and seek qualified advise.Do not trust any person with a good advice. Qualify the adviser.
4). Do not be gullible.
Gold slips away from the man who invest it in businesses or purposes which he is not familiar in.

5). Do not be greedy.
Gold flees the man who would force it to impossible earnings. If it sounds to good to be true, do more research.

“Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you only take what is worth having.”― George S. ClasonThe Richest Man in Babylon

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